What sets us apart?
We take sustainability beyond science and the environment to engage students in all disciplines.
Beyond green: full spectrum sustainability content
Recycling, energy conservation, and ecosystems are good starting points for sustainability, but these efforts do not fully address sustainability’s economic, social, cultural, and ethical dimensions.
Our work aims to fulfill all dimensions of sustainability to counter the erroneous understanding that it’s “just another term” for environmental education. Sustainability can be seen as an overall approach affecting content, pedagogy, assessment, and school culture. The principles of sustainability—including equity, community, and ecological health—are applicable across disciplines and grade levels.
For us, sustainability is a lens and set of practices that support students to develop as healthy, happy individuals in safe, healthy and prosperous communities.
Equity: Educational equality for ALL students
The United States has passed two demographic thresholds: More than 50% of K12 students are from low-income households, and students of color comprise the majority of all students.
These students are less likely to have access to higher-level courses and experienced teachers. Their schools are more often labeled as “failures” under current policies. These students’ communities typically have higher levels of segregation, poverty, and pollution.
Educational quality and community vitality are interdependent goals. But we will not achieve either if the mission of “college and career readiness” remains isolated from the larger issues shaping students’ futures. Students need robust learning experiences built from the latest advances that are shifting the needle towards revitalization and shared prosperity.
We work with schools to develop curriculum and courses that give students these opportunities. We help educators raise the bar on rigor, critical thinking, cultural relevance, and problem-solving. This approach helps educators dismantle the destructive practices that replicate social and educational inequality.
Get examples and strategies for effective change.
Download our case studies to see how CCES transforms curriculum.
Beyond Science: Framing Sustainability to Welcome All Disciplines Offered through the Sustainability Curriculum Consortium in partnership with AASHE

Creative Change’s ability to create meaningful and effective curriculum that guides students as they conduct research, formulate ideas, and articulate a vision for sustainable community redevelopment places the organization in a class by themselves.
Daniel SomervilleWould you like to talk with us about your needs?
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